Products Category

Range of our Products

Products Category

Examination Equipment

Barometer, Medical Thermometer, Stethoscope, flashlight, Absalong, Ophthalmoscope, Otoscope, Retinoscope, Balance


Diagnostic equipment

Spirometer, Electroencephalogram, Ultrasonic Equipment (in Radiography), Audiometer (audiometer), Electrocardiogram


Therapeutic equipment

Needle holder, Low power laser, Suction machine, Gallipod, Clasp, Plaster band, Splint, Gangs, Set my head, Serum base, Glue, Urinary catheter

Laboratory equipment

Microbiology hood, Incubator for bacteriological culture, Ben Marie Lab, Analyzer machine, Flame Photometer, Electrolyte Analyzer

Health equipment

Ultraviolet light device, Medical chairs, Medical mattress, Orthopedic shoes, Treadmill, Stationary bicycle, Medical lenses,

Rehabilitation equipment

Artificial organs (rehabilitation), Orthosis and facial prosthesis, Hernias (Orthopedics and Rehabilitation), Medical belts, Medical lenses